25 Fun Facts You Don't Know About Me

9 Oct 2014

Photo taken by Alejandra Hering.

#1:  As a baby, I started walking at six months old.
#2:  My favorite bands/singers are FleetwoodMac, Florence and the Machine and Billy Joel.
#3:  I was a competitive cheerleader all four years of High School.
#4:  ANDDDD, I honestly believe that if it came down to a life and death situation, I could still stick a standing back-tuck.

Cliff Jumping in Santorini (with GIF's!!)

2 Oct 2014

Cliff jumping is BY FAR the most exhilarating thing I've ever done. I wouldn't say I'm an adrenaline junkie—because I've never gone skydiving or bungee jumping— but I'm never the one to turn down an opportunity for a good thrill, sooo basically cliff jumping was right up my allie alley.

Lena Dunham | Can I Get an AMEN!

30 Sept 2014

I'm just going to say it. Lena Dunham knows what the hell she's talking about. 

Rarely do I pay two cents to the advice spewing from peers and/or people of my own age for the single fact that #1: I can make up my own damn mind, and #2: I'm healthy enough to figure it out on my own— but Lena struck a cord with me. Maybe it's her to-the-point attitude. I don't know.
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