Getting vibes at Stonehenge

26 Apr 2015

Going back and editing these photographs nearly a year later was SUCH a pain because apparently I took a million-and-a-half photos in the span of 45-minutes... What. A. Nightmare!

One of the interesting tidbits I learned on my tour was that some people think/believe/know the stones emit some type of humming or vibration that can affect people in different ways. Weird. Because I'm pretty sure it made me go manic with my camera, and my editing tools do NOT thank you for that!

Still, visiting Stonehenge was a bucket-list item for me and I loved that I got to see them in person— Supernatural stuff like that just gets me a giddy inside!


  1. Beautiful photos!!! I need to make it to Stonehenge one of these days!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Awesome photos, love the dark stormy looking skies.

  3. I LOVED Stonehenge, so maybe the vibes had an affect on me as well? :)

    Silly Medley: Lifestyle and Travel

  4. Stonehenge is a must! It's such a special place and visiting it is absolutely worth it!

  5. Beautiful pictures like always:) Visiting Stonehenge is a bucket list for me.

  6. Thanks Marina! Narrowing it down is always such a stressful thing for me... I feel like I just closed my eyes and pointed! :)

  7. Haha! I think it's easy to love those crazy guys!

  8. Oh my god. Stonehenge is one of the very few places I want to visit DESPERATLY. It's vibe is amazing and I love your photography. Don't be upset about taking too many pictures, I think I would have done the same. That way it sure is a lot more work when it comes to editing the, but at least you have a good bunch to choose from. I wish I would've been able to go with you. One day, I'll be there on summer solstice... one day... ♥


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