How I stay warm during the Scottish winter

2 Feb 2015

Electric Blanket
I don't have a reason to complain about being cold anymore since we got this electric blanket. It makes SUCH a huge difference; sometimes I don't even turn the fire on! Right now, I keep it downstairs in the reception room so that we can cuddle up on the (cold) leather couch and wind down together after dinner.

I know this seems obvious, but a good pair of slippers are key when keeping warm on the cold tile and hardwood floors. I always choose warmth over style!

You might think this is just another name for an electric blanket, but it's not. Unlike the electric blanket above, this under blanket only creates heat when placed under something like a mattress pad, blanket or sheet. I was skeptical that this would work under our foam mattress topper, but it works like a charm! J and I used to play 'rock, paper, scissors' to see who would get in the bed to warm it up, but now we just turn on the under blanket a few minutes before bed and it's nice and toasty when we both get in!

Ski Socks
My standard cotton socks are NOT cutting the Scottish winter. Inside the house, it's not that bad. I am typically in the bath, under the electric blanket or in bed, but when I leave the house, my go-to rubber shoes provide very little insulation and therefore, very little warmth. Now that I am wearing heavier wool socks, my toes stay nice and cozy no matter what shoes I'm wearing.
I might be the only person on the planet without a bathrobe, but that's about to change very quickly. My pajama game is seriously lacking in the warmth department, and I am dying for something to throw on when I get out of bed in the morning... Wait, am I actually looking for a Snuggie?

Nothing is more irritating than removing my gloves to access my cellphone when I'm out walking in the cold. It's such a hassle, so these e-tip gloves keep my fulangies warm and keep me from fumbling my gloves around. 

Other things I've invested in/use to get warm are: 
- microwaveable slippers (horrible lavender scent!)
- lots of warm coffee and tea
- hot baths

What are your go-to's when keeping warm inside and outside?


  1. Oh how I need an electric blanket! And a bathtub, I would love to be able to take hot baths.

  2. Its freezing down here....I can only imagine how dreadful it is up there!! I would never leave the house haha!! Aren't the under blankets lovely? My doggies have one too :)

  3. When I lived on the East Coast (where it is MUCH colder than Southern California) I had a heated mattress pad...that thing kept me toasty warm all winter!

  4. I love this list! It's so hot here that I don't need any of that yet. When I move back to US though I'm sure this list will be helpful!
    Melanie @

  5. LOL! Yeah... Not so much in Indonesia! :)

  6. Yes! Who knew a bed could be so cold to get in, but no we don't have to worry anymore!

  7. GIRLLLLL. The electric blanket is a MUST! Anytime I am out of the bed, I am under my electric blanket... cooking my insides :)

  8. The mattress pad is doing wonders for us! I can't believe I haven't had one until now.


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