Getting some fresh air in chilly Aberdeen

6 Feb 2015

It probably won't shock you to hear that things have been pretty low-key for me since we got back to Aberdeen. Yep! The cold and dreary weather just isn't doing it for me, so I've decided it's better for me to stay inside, in bed, in the bath or under the electric blanket, and wait out the remainder of the winter.

You know, it's been snowing almost every day for a couple weeks here, but until earlier this week, nothing stuck...

I had every intention of making my 9:30 coffee date—showered, blow-dried, half makeup (no mascara), basically a HUGEE deal—but due to the overnight snow and ice, it was unfortunately cancelled.

Instead of throwing in the towel and climbing back into bed for some good ol' netflix time, I decided to do something COMPLETELY unlike myself and continue to get dressed and head out the door even though I didn't have to go anywhere anymore. . .

To be honest, I really needed the fresh air. I've been such a sloth for weeks and it was time for me to make my weekly appearance to the "sun." In an attempt to give my outing a bit more direction, I headed over to our neighborhood delicatessen to grab a latte and a loaf of bread. After that, I just wandered around.

Plenty of times I've looked around a thought, 'maybe I should take a few photos of my new hood', but nothing ever looked that appealing to me. I don't know if it was the overcast sky or the white icy streets—or a combination of both—but I felt like everything just had a glow about it. I guess it's all about finding beauty in the ordinary, right?


  1. I am trying to figure out where you are staying from looking at the pictures - I am thinking around Rosemount? But then again, everywhere in Aberdeen looks similar... oh and I promise I am not a stalker, although my comment can totally be understood that way!

  2. LOL! I was trying to be as generic as possible, so I specifically took out all photos with streetnames and obvious landmarks! You're so right, Aberdeen all looks the same!

  3. Hayley on Holiday6 February 2015 at 10:44

    You make snow and ice look so magical! :)

  4. It looks so beautiful!!! I can just see the sun trying to poke through!!! I love all the snow...wish we had more here in Germany!

  5. You live in such a pretty neighborhood from the looks of your pictures! I agree, it's been hard for me too to motivate myself to get out of the house and into the cold. I keep telling myself I'm from NJ and the cold doesn't phase me in the winter, but geez, Paris has been FREEZING this week!

  6. Love these pictures! Are you using a certain filter for these? I know what you mean about having no plans and just wanting to stay inside. That was me last winter when I wasn't working yet and everyday I told myself okay get up and go do something, but then it would be early afternoon and then I lost my interest to even get dressed and face the cold. Winter I am over you!

  7. No filter, just edited them in Lightroom. Yeah, it's hard for me to be motivated without a job to do!

  8. This is such a cute little neighborhood! I love it!

  9. Omg I seriously worry about you when I watch the weather sometimes haha!! I love Scotland, but during the winter....I'm happy to have a few more degrees of warmth! However, our snow stuck and it was gorgeous...but I'm a sloth as well and refused to get out and take any pictures. I'm sure the cathedral was gorgeous in the snow....oh well ;)

  10. I love your neighborhood! It looks so charming! And I love your Lightroom skills...drooling! For some reason I have a knack for making things look crazy fake when I try. Baby steps!

  11. It is beautiful there! I really need to visit Scotland again.

  12. These pictures are so pretty! I love them!
    Melanie @

  13. Wow. Stunning photographs! I never knew Aberdeen was so picturesque! lol :)

  14. HILARIOUS! My husband was like, "you made it look really nice..." LOL

  15. Thanks Vera! It's getting better and better by the day... The days have gotten considerably longer too!

  16. Yeah, we haven't had that much... That was the only day that it stuck and it really wasn't that much just icy!

  17. Luckily things have been getting nicer and warmer recently, but it still is really cold!

  18. Thanks Yalanda! I am still trying to figure Lightroom out... I feel like I am all over the place...

  19. DO IT! I am having a great time exploring!


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