B a c k p a c k— For every day and off-the-road excursions with the hub.
C a s t I r o n— Is it just me, or does Scotland just scream cast iron cooking?
P l a i d B u t t o n - d o w n— Plaid on plaid on plaid on plaid on plaid. Got it?
S t r e e t B i c y c l e— Because driving is hard.
P a r k a— A staple in every UK wardrobe. The "everyday" jacket: both stylish and functional.
C h e l s e a R a i n b o o t s— Just because it's raining doesn't mean you get to skimp on fashion.
M i t t e n s— You can NEVER go wrong with shearling mittens or gloves. So, so warm! And the 'pop-off mitten top' makes them i-phone friendly! That's the most important thing, right?
t h a t ' s M Y m u g— Please don't touch my things.
U m b r e l l a— Correction! A sturdy umbrella. Obviously for the inevitable and torrential downpours that soon await me.
C a s h m e r e J u m p e r— Isn't this cashmere poncho to die for?! Everyone should invest in this jumper for survival.
W i n t e r J a c k e t— For the nights when you need to look like a marshmallow to stay warm.
H i k i n g B o o t s— Perfect for getting out into the woods and exploring.
T r i p o d— Can be used for walking-stick purposes and selfie purposes.
B e a n i e— To keep my ears warm and also hide my three day old hair. #sorrynotsorry.
B e a n i e— To keep my ears warm and also hide my three day old hair. #sorrynotsorry.