A Stroll Around the Capitol

27 Jun 2014

It's easy to overlook your own home country when you are so actively trying to explore new ones, but coming back to the good ol' U-S-of-A proved me wrong. There is plenty of beautiful and historic buildings and places right under all of our noses. Washington, DC is one of those places. So much history, so much beauty. It might not be as old as the Roman Forum in Rome, but it sure does deserve the same amount of respect.

In honor of the US making through the knockout stages of the World Cup, here are my last pictures from our trip home to DC. 

I present!— the Capitol Building.


  1. She sure is a beaut isn't she! Yay for DC - greaaaat pictures. I love how bring and vivid everything is.

    1. Yeah, It was a perfect day for taking photos!

  2. This post certainly screams 'MURICA! haha!
    i love DC so much!

    1. LOL! I mean, duh! has I love that we have the same humor! xx

  3. Gorgeous pictures! You picked the best time of year for these, it looks so warm and bright :)


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