22 Oct 2013

Week Two--- We're getting pretty good at this! James' boss left for a two week tour on Friday so James was communicating with him almost exclusively via email which has it's pros and cons; it put a delay in James' response time between tasks but at least he had a slightly more flexible schedule with him gone... James has started getting into his grove at the office; each week he seems more confident. My week was low-key; I found a few local libraries, a park and a lovely neighborhood just down the road from us. I was doing a lot of walking in the area and just trying to get a good feel for where I am living.

On Thursday, I avoided the kitchen and made James take me to dinner at this tapas place that we pass every day. It's called 'The Angelic' and it's great. It has a cool crowd and good music so obviously I was sold. Seriously, I'm trying to convince James that we should eat there every day. 

(to read about the real Thursday, click here). 

Friday was a good day. I had an afternoon appointment at Barclay's bank to get my name put on the bank account and James was able to take me out for drinks afterwards (double score!). I had contacted a friend of a friend that I found out was in London and he was able to meet up with us after work. We had drinks at Jamie Oliver's 'Barbacoa' and then moved on to dinner in Soho at 'Pho' a Vietnamese restaurant. Both were fun atmospheres and we were ready to party. We went to a small piano bar at the Charing Cross Theater and what we thought would be "just a couple drinks" turned into an all night event with wine, beer, tequila shots and champagne  Needless to say we were pretty broken the next morning and the rest of the weekend was basically ruined, but hey! I think it was worth it. It was really nice to see a familiar face and actually be able to converse with someone other than myself. 

The next morning, James and I peeled ourselves out of bed to managed to go and get some hangover food. We ate at the infamous 'Nandos' chain and it was daaaa bombbb! (Sorry, Jess!)

The rest of the weekend was spent by me in bed reading and by James, working in and out of the office. I have read three books in two weeks and now I am on my fourth. I think this makes me an intellect...

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