21 Oct 2013

Monday, September 30th was James' first day on the job so he was up and out pretty early that morning (and every day since, for that matter). He only had one week of training with the previous advisor, so this would be one long week of indoctrination. James was submerging himself into this position, networking and trying to learn everything that he could. It's pretty amazing the magnitude of this position, he has met 3 out of the 4 top ranking people in the company and even had meals with some of them... This has definitely been a change for James. He is used to being “on his game” at work and here, well, it’s going to take a little bit of adjusting. I know that he will rock it, eventually; he just needs to get his footing!

My first week, although not as important, was none-the-less, nerve-racking. My first week as a home-maker---I better not mess this up, or I might not be given the opportunity again! I spent my first week roaming the streets (cough, cough, getting lost), going to the market, cleaning the flat and making sure that dinner was ready when James got home from work. It was nice! I haven’t tried anything crazy in the kitchen, so I think that's why I'm not burnt out on it...

Once Friday afternoon came, I was definitely ready to have some quality time with James. I took some extra time and got myself ready (hair and makeup, whoop whoop!) and James and I went out for dinner at 'The Castle' and I even persuaded him to stay out late for a few extra drinks at 'York.'

Saturday we decided to head out to Picadilly Circus and explore Regent Street, Picadilly and Oxford Street. Let me say, I will NEVER do that again. They apparently named it ‘Cirrus’ for a reason. It was ridiculously crowded, like Black Thursday crowded; I almost had a panic attack. Luckily, it was not a wasted trip because James found an amazing suit at Ted Baker and I can’t wait to see it on him!

On the way home, we stopped by this great futbol pub that we found near our flat called “The Slug and Lettuce.” It will be our go-to place for games since we don’t have TV yet. It will be nice not to have to spend so much money just to get some visual stimulation… We are reading a lot. We went to the bookstore and picked up some more books. Only like 10 more days left of isolation.

Friday night :: York :: Picadilly Circus :: Slug and Lettuce

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