29 Jan 2014

I am really kicking myself in the ass for, ONE, not buying a real camera before we came to London (come on girl, you're moving to another country, an iPhone might not be sufficient), and TWO, not buying a real camera while we were back in the States for Christmas. What were you thinking? (USD, helloooooo???) It was the perfect opportunity for me to get something reasonable with all the holiday sales going on... It just burns me up inside. YOU GO GIRL!

I am still learning how to be domestic. I bought a few extra pots and pans when we got back from the States with high hopes of being a domestic goddess. They are still unused and with the packaging on. YOU GO GIRL!

In another attempt to be a domestic goddess, I decided to freshen up our white sheets with a little bit of bleach. I wasn't able to locate any laundry detergent with bleach, so I ended up buying the standard (off name-brand) liquid bleach that you would find in any home improvement store. I apparently put in wayyy too much bleach, and when I got back from the grocery store, the entire flat smelled like a community pool. I basically got green hair just by walking into our kitchen. YOU GO GIRL!

How is your week going? xx


  1. Ah yes, the exchange rate. My husband bought his dslr one visit home because it was such a better value (even though he always have to use a power adapter now!)

    Also, I've really been enjoying your blog so I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! You can check out the full details at

  2. WOW! Thanks so exciting! Thank you so much! I will definitely participate! How fun! xo


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