8 Jan 2014

It's 2:00AM in London and I am wide awake. 

We are going on Day 3 of me pushing off going to the V&A Museum like I intended to. Talk about a commitment-- to failure!

For a few days now, I've been trying to wake up at 8:00AM so that I can get in a full day of activities and wear myself out so that when night-time comes, I can fall asleep at a reasonable hour... BUT FOR THE LIFE OF ME, I can not make myself get out of bed!

I think subconsciously I know that I really don't have anything thatttt important to get up for and therefore I allow myself to sleep until my heart's desire.

You are an adult. You are not in college anymore!

I am seriously starting to hate it. 


I've struggled with this since high school. 

I've taken medicine to help me sleep for years, but recently my dosage has been bumped down and therefore isn't as effective. £%&@! please save all the medical mumbo-jumbo, I know it's not good for me, but so is not sleeping!

And now the Brits want to wean me off and help me get "clean." cue the eye roll. I literally started to cry in front of the doctor. That, sir, is what my nightmares are made of. Needless to say, he made me fill out a psych eval after that. perfffffect!

I think I need a job or a part-time job or some type of temporary work or somethingggg, because I am just really feeling disappointed in my game. 

I always slept better with a job...

I can do better than this. 

I will not sleep London away!

Alright, night y'all! :)

Insomnia, you suck!


  1. Oh, man. Not sleeping is the worst punishment in the world. I hope you get some meds that help you sleep soon!

  2. buy Kalms - herbal sleep medicine. I love them/swear by them. xo


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